Thursday, June 22, 2017

Paris Security Protects the Public

This post is a tribute to the Paris security forces we saw on the streets throughout our visit.

Like this woman, I appreciated their presence in this time of terrorism.
There is so much to see in Paris and so many people out and about, especially this time of year as school is out and people and families are taking vacations.

There is clearly a heightened security presence
on the streets of Paris, especially at the popular tourist attractions such as Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower.
We also saw armed forces Sunday outside some Paris churches.
In a few minutes, the service at this Latin Quarter church ended, and the ministers and congregants came out.

Three or four soldiers stood watch outside.
Later in the day, outside another Paris church, we would see heavily armed city police on watch.
This soldier was on patrol near Notre Dame.
Yesterday I visited the Museum of the Army at Invalides, which is also home to Napolean Bonaparte's tomb.

Several soldiers were at the entry to the grounds.
The need for such security is obvious, the threat today is 24/7.

In the few days since our arrival in Paris, there was a terror attack near the Champs-Elysees in which the suspect was killed.

And in Brussels, Belgium a terror suspect was killed by security forces after igniting a small bomb in a train hub.

I feel better and safer seeing these dedicated troops and other law enforcement personnel on the alert around Paris.
People seem to appreciate the presence of these armed foot patrols.  I know I did.

Security forces were on the water as well.

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